Watersports Courses
Beginner Courses
The Outdoor city Kayak experience
Join us for a kayaking experience in the heart of Sheffield on the Sheffield Tinsley canal, we'll meet at Victoria Quays. Once you’ve had a quick introduction to the equipment and after a short safety briefing we will get to grips with how to control the Kayak. Once we’ve got that sorted you’ll put your new found skills to use and go on a small journey small journey.
Minimum age 13. Book now
The Ladybower Kayak experience
Join us for a kayaking experience in the heart of Peak District on the historic Ladybower reservoir. Once you’ve had a quick introduction to the equipment and after a short safety briefing we will get to grips with how to control the Kayak. Once we’ve got that sorted you’ll put your new found skills to use and go on a small journey small journey.
Minimum age 13. Book now
The Outdoor City Canoe experience
Join us for a canoeing experience in the heart of Sheffield at the historic Victoria Quays. Once you’ve had a quick introduction to the equipment and after a short safety briefing we will get to grips with how to control the canoe. Once we’ve got that sorted you’ll put your new found skills to use and go on a small journey along the Sheffield and Tinsley Canal.
Minimum age 13. Book now
The Outdoor City Sup Taster experience
Join us for a SUP experience in the heart of Sheffield at the historic Victoria Quays. Once you’ve had a quick introduction to the equipment and after a short safety briefing we will get to grips with how to control the board whilst kneeling. Once we’ve got that sorted we’ll look at getting stood up. After all, it is called stand-up paddle boarding. When you’re feeling comfortable you’ll put your new found skills to use and go on a small journey along the Sheffield and Tinsley Canal.
Minimum age 13. Book Now
Discover Kayaking Experience.
During the day, our experienced instructors will take you on a journey. You'll explore the fundamentals of this rewarding water sport, from understanding its safety standards to learning kayaking techniques.
This course has the option of gaining The British Canoeing Discover award.
Minimum age 13. Book Now
Discover Canoeing Experience.
During the day, our experienced instructors will take you on a journey to explore the fundamentals of this rewarding water sport, from understanding its safety standards to learning canoeing techniques.
This course has the option of gaining The British Canoeing Discover award.
Minimum age 13. Book Now
Discover SUP @ Victoria Quays
This Day Course Starts the same as our great taster sessions, once we have you standing up we go into a bit more depth on stroke technique and ways to be more efficient and effective. We will also learn some more strokes to increase the options you have to control your Sup finishing with how to Self rescue. This course has the option of gaining The British Canoeing Discover award.
Minimum age 13. Book Now
Kayak Zero to Hero
This 6 hour course will take you from complete novice to having experienced your first taste of White Water Kayaking. We start with how to turn the Kayak efficiently and then look at getting the boat moving forward in a straight line. We’ll do this while taking a short trip along the Cromford Canal.
After Lunch we’ll move to the River Derwent, where we’ll look at the skills needed to take on your first bit of Whitewater.
All kit is provided along with expert coaching from our team. If you want to be ready for a Whitewater adventure, this is the perfect starting point.
Equipment & set up |Driving the boat forward| Gaining a Stable Edge| Breaking in & out | Ferry gliding
Book Now
Improver courses
Intro to Moving Water Kayak
This 6 hour introduction course will introduce you to the fantastic sport of White Water Kayaking. We start with how we drive the boat forward, then getting a stable edge. By the end of the day you'll be happy braking in & out & ferry gliding. and we'll finish with a run down a grade 2 rapid. All kit is provided along with expert coaching from our team. If you want to be ready for a White Water adventure, this is the perfect starting point.
Equipment & set up |Driving the boat forward| Gaining a Stable Edge| Breaking in & out | Ferry gliding | White Water safety
We supply all the equipment you require although you’re welcome to bring your own boat and kit if you have it. Once you’ve grasped the basics of White Water Kayaking on this introduction you’ll be ready to progress into river trips.
£90pp Book Now
Intro to Moving Water Canoeing
This 6 hour introduction course will introduce you to the fantastic sport of White Water Canoeing. We start gently using the flow and small waves at Artist Corner, Matlock. All kit is provided along with expert coaching from our team. If you want to be ready for a White Water adventure, this is the perfect starting point.
Equipment & set up | Breaking in & out | Ferry gliding | White Water safety
We supply all the equipment you require although you’re welcome to bring your own boat and kit if you have it. Once you’ve grasped the basics of White Water Kayaking on this introduction you’ll be ready to progress into river trips.
£90pp Book Now
Safety awards
Paddlesports Safety and Rescue course
Course aims
Paddlesport Safety and Rescue aims to provide paddlers with the key safety and rescue skills required to operate safely and to be able to deal with common problems in a sheltered water environment.
Throughout the course, candidates will explore simple strategies and safe skills that can provide the tools to solve common paddling issues.
The course is suitable for all ages and great for individuals, aspirant Paddlesport Instructors and groups wanting to expand their safety practices when on the water. The course content focuses on rescuing from the paddlers specific craft and covers equipment, safety frameworks, as well as a range of rescues including contact and towing rescues, self-rescues and deep water rescues.
Rock climbing is one of the fastest growing sports in the UK. We offer indoor and outdoor climbing sessions. Try a short taster session or take part in a one-day course, teaching all you'll need to know to join you local climbing wall. Already done that? Join our skills coaching or progression courses.
Belaying at Wirksworth Climbing wall.
Intro to Climbing Day Course
If you’ve never climbed before or had a small taster years ago then our Intro to Climbing course is the best way to learn the ropes and discover the world of climbing. The Intro to Climbing course takes place indoors and will teach you to be a competent and safe climber, and once you’ve completed the course you’ll be able to prove competence to climb on your own or with friends at any climbing wall in the UK.
Course Content
Safe fitting of a climbing harness
Tie-in to a climbing rope
Belaying and rope control
Safety in a climbing wall
Bouldering and spotting
Understanding of the climbing grade system
Use of Auto Belays
All equipment hire included
Cost £90 Book Now
Between Climbs at Burbage North, Peak District
Intro to Outdoor Climbing Day Course
This course is for those who are looking to get their first taste of outdoor rock climbing, it is suitable for climbers who have not climbed outside before or who have little outdoor experience and want to give it a go.
It is a one day course where we will take you out climbing in the Peak District, where you will be given the chance to fully appreciate what it is like to climb outdoors. On this course the instructor will deal with all the equipment and rigging leaving you free to concentrate on climbing in a new and challenging environment.
The course will cover:
As much climbing as we can fit into the day.
Basic Rope Work, Basic Climbing Skills and Bouldering.
Use of Harness and Belay Device.
Climbing Areas, Rock Types, Crag Selection.
Climbing Ethics, Use of Guide Book.
Access and Environmental Issues.
Cost £90pp Book Now
Concentrating on using his inside edge.
Skills coaching
Climb Skills teaches a host of practical technique and movement skills including:
Course Content:
Correct use of climbing holds
Body positioning & specific movement techniques
Advanced movement techniques
Climbing efficiently
From £50pp
Seconding at Stanage edge, Peak District
Outdoor Climbing Progression Course:
This is a 2-day course aimed at teaching you how to set up your own top and bottom ropes so you can start to take yourself out climbing safely. Over the weekend we will aim to broaden your experience by visiting two different venues. We look to develop your basic climbing skills by working on:
Route selection and understanding guide books
Top roping and bottom roping
Different types of venue
Knots and basic rope work
Anchor selection and setting up of a bottom and top rope
Use and understanding of equipment
Safety in the crag environment
Develop our climbing skills, knowledge and experience